What is the Bytown Mac User Group (ByMUG)?
Since 2006, the Bytown Mac User Group (ByMUG) is a free membership social Mac, iPad, and iPhone-based computer user group located close to the heart of Canada’s capital: Sandy Hill. ByMUG caters to anyone using a Mac who happens to be in the Ottawa-area on the day of its monthly meeting.
ByMUG meetings take place on the first Sunday of every month, and since March of 2020, the meetings have been held online.
Each meeting offers a variety of topics, including demonstrations, question periods, guest speakers, announcements, and more. Check out the Meeting section for upcoming meeting announcements, as wlel as past meeting notes.
Come. Stay a while. Enjoy the camaraderie
Why ByMUG?
The idea of an Ottawa-based social user group serving the local Mac community came to us one day. The idea sounded wonderful in passing, and after asking around to see who else liked the idea, ByMUG became a reality.
What’s with the name?
Bytown is the original name for the city of Ottawa when it was founded in 1827. It was incorporated in 1850, and, upon incorporation into a city in 1855, was given its current name, Ottawa.
The Bytown Mac User Group (ByMUG) meets on every first Sunday of the month (unless otherwise noted) at the Royal Oak Pub in Ottawa’s Sandy Hill. Feel free to look at our Meeting Notes to get a feel of what we cover.
Meetings begin at 1 p.m. and last through the afternoon. Although they have been occasionally known to last beyond that.
How do I get to a ByMUG meeting?
In-person meetings were suspended in March 2020 and moved online.