When the happenings for an upcoming ByMUG meeting are finalized, they will be posted here for everyone to view. A few days after each ByMUG meeting, the notes taken and compiled will be posted and a link will be provided to access them.
December 5th, 2010
- Rock’s Holiday Gift Guide
- Gridiron’s Flow 2.0 demo by Paul Grant
- iPassword 3.0 demo by Thomas Leroux
- Other Topics
- Questions, Answers and Miscellaneous Notes
November 2010 Meeting
- Tom discusses his backup mechanism including Time Machine, SuperDuper, Drobo, andBlacX docking station
- Paul and Sean will demo CrashPlan
October 2010 Meeting
- Discussed recovering data from hard drives
- Online photo-sharing with Flickr
- Software bundle deals like MacHeist and MacUpdate
September 2010 Meeting
- Tom will show ReadItLater
- Chris will showInstapaper
- iTunes 10
- Jonathan will show Flipboard
- new iPods
August 2010 Meeting
- ByMUG’s Second Annual Picnic
July 2010 Meeting
- Paul demoed Lightroom
- Jonathan reviewed iOS4 features
- Dave reviewed Safari 5
June 2010 Meeting
- Tom demo’s using Image Capture and Preview
- Myke shows off his Aperture workflow
- Discussion of iPad apps
May 2010 Meeting
- Discussion about backups
- Katheryne demoed SousChef
- Time Machine
- Drobo, SuperDuper or Synk
- DropBox
April 2010 Meeting
- Sara demoed EyeTV
- Mark showed EyeTV Hybrid
- Sue talked about using ScreenFlow for screen captures
March 2010 Meeting
- Using OS X’s built-in Screen Sharing
- Dave and Tom demoed Finder
- Tom shows how to use PhoneView to access iPhones
February 2010 Meeting
- Tom talked about backing up DVDs with Handbrake
- Dwight will showed how to useMagna Studio to create magna and comics
- Reinhard demonstrated Geni.com
- Derek showed his iPhone app Transitway
- Discussed Apple’s latest creation, the iPad
January 2010 Meeting
December 2009 Meeting
- iPhone and iPad app roundtable.
November 2009 Meeting
- Latest revision to Mac minis, MacBooks, and iMacs
- Tom showed how to make custom iPhone ringtones with GarageBand
- Tom demoed OCRing on Macs with Prizmo
- Dave showed how to use Fstream to listen and record to online audio streams
October 4th, 2009 Meeting
- Apple’s Snow Leopard – group demo
- iHome iHM77SC portable speakers by Tracey
- Mobile Air Mouse by Mark
- xbmc by Mark
- Perian by Tom
- ClickToFlash by Dave
- AUSOM (Apple Users’ Society of Melbourne) by Colette
- Snow Leopard Compatibility Wiki
September 6th, 2009 Meeting
- Timeline3D and how it can be integrated into Apple’s Keynote by Rock
August 2nd, 2009 Meeting
- ByMUG’s first picnic
July 5th, 2009 Meeting
- Apple’s GarageBand ’09 by Mark
- External disk drives and setting them up with Disk Utility by Tom
June 7th, 2009 Meeting
- Apple’s iPhoto ’09 by Tom
- MacUpdate Promotions
May 3rd, 2009 Meeting
- Bowtie by Katheryne
- MarketCircle’s Daylite Billings by Sam
- Delicious Library 2 by Tom
April 5th, 2009 Meeting
- Dave demoed Dropbox
- Dave showed Fluid
- Tom discussed the MacHeist deal and briefly covered all the applications.
March 1st, 2009 Meeting
- Mark demoed the Squeezebox
- Ian showed 1Password
- Paul did Lightroom
February 1st, 2009 Meeting
- Tracey demoed MacGourmet
- Katheryne compared MenuCalendarClock iCal and MagiCal
- Tom gave a talk about video editing, touching on Final Cut Pro
January 4th, 2008 Meeting
- Tom demoed iTunes 8
- Katheryne did Docker and iConiCal
- Pierre showed how to make calendars and photo albums in iPhoto
- Alex won the Eco-Tav laptop bag graciously donated by Eco-Tav
- Additional Meeting Links
- MacThemes
- DeviantArt
- An example of a gallery by a really great wallpaper artist
- The fancy 2-D dock Katheryne used is at the bottom of this page
- 99¢ iTunes movie rentals
December 7th, 2008 Meeting
- Glenda demoed the mysterious Mail-Merge features in Microsoft Word 2008
- Andrew ran through iMovie HD
- David introduced Growl
November 2nd, 2008 Meeting
- David demonstrated Apple’s iChat (again)
- Darcy did KeyCue
- Katheryne did CoverSutra and img2icns
- and lastly, Tom showed off his Drobo and talked about how it can be used to protect data
- Meeting Links
October 5th, 2008 Meeting
- David demonstrated Apple’s iChat
- Tom showed TextExpander
- Rock showed the power of Apple’s Keynote for presentations.
- Meeting Links
- Chax addon for iChat
- iSlayer’s iStat menu
- keynotepro.com
- keynoteuser.com
- presentationzen.com
- TED Conference videos on Presentation Innovation (other videos are also well worth watching)
- Les Posen on Presentation Magic
- linkback.nisus.com
September 7th, 2008 Meeting
- Tracey introduced Apple’s Numbers, part of iWork.
- Katheryne talked about widgets for Dashboard
- Rock demoed Hazel by Noodlesoft, who graciously donated a free copy and offered a discount for those in attendance.
- Meeting Links
- MacThemes 2.0 and its Forum
- Docker
- Martin Lexow, maker of the Blob Icons seen in my dock
- Apple’s Downloads page, along with Widgets, Games, Screensavers & icons
August 3rd, 2008 Meeting
- Glenda demoed Microsoft’s Word 2008
- Katheryne spoke about protecting Macs with cases (InCase, Speck), and about customizing the interface; on Apple’s site
Screen Savers:- Phantom Butterflies, Strands, Filigree, Iota, Scattered Flurries, & Ignis Fatui
- Anèmona,
- Fishes, Matrix code, Jigsaw puzzle, etc,
- X-Galaxy
Wallpapers sites:
- http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper_beta/downloads/date/any/
- http://usingmac.com/2008/7/28/200-mind-blowing-nature-wallpapers
- http://www.pixelgirlpresents.com/desktops.php
Icon sites:
- http://www.iconarchive.com/
- http://interfacelift.com/icons-mac/
- http://rimshotdesign.deviantart.com/art/NOD2-93263843
Custom folder creators:
July 6th, 2008 Meeting
June 1st, 2008 Meeting
- Apple’s iPhone
- Embraceware’s Awaken
- GroupSmarts’s Memory Miner
May 4th, 2008 Meeting
- ecamm’s iGlasses
- St Clair Software’s Default Folder 4
- Apple’s Automator
- Delicious Monster’s Delicious Library 2
April 6th, 2008 Meeting
- Apple’s iDVD
- XtraLean’s Imagewell
- Cocoatech’s PathFinderPathFinder
March 2nd, 2008 Meeting
- Apple’s iPhoto
- Starry Night Pro 5
- BusySync
February 3, 2008 Meeting
- Marketcircle’s Billings
- Apple’s Address Book and
- iCal
- MacWorld Report
January 6, 2008 Meeting
- Apple’s iMovie
- Apple’s Time Machine
- Decimus’ Synk
- EMC’s Retrospect
December 2nd, 2007 Meeting
November 4th, 2007 Meeting
- Apple’s Keynote
- Apple’s AppleScript
- Panic Software’s Candybar
- Iconfactory’s Pixadex
October 14th, 2007 Meeting
- Apple’s Garageband
- Plasq’s Comic Life
- Iconfactory’s Frenzic
September 9th, 2007 Meeting
- Macromates’ Textmate
- Acqualia’s Picturesque
August 5th, 2007 Meeting
- Emulation
Apple’s Safari 3 Beta
July 8th, 2007 Meeting
June 3rd, 2007 Meeting
May 6th, 2007 Meeting
- Apple’s Aperture
- Blacktree’s Quicksilver
April 1st, 2007 Meeting
- jadedPixel’s Shopify
- Ruby on Rails
- Delicious Monster’s Delicious Library
March 4th, 2007 Meeting
- Shirt-Pocket’s SuperDuper
- Decimus’ Synk Standard
February 4th, 2007
January 7, 2007 Meeting
- Apple’s iMovie
December 3, 2006 Meeting
- MarketCircle’s Billings
- Ambrosia Software’s Sketch fighter 4000 Alpha
- Macrabbit’s CSSEdit 2CSSEdit 2
November, 2006 Meeting
- Being a Mobile Mac user
October, 2006 Meeting
- Mac news & rumours.
September, 2006 Meeting
- Educational Software
- Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference
August, 2006 Meeting
- Mac tips and Tricks (hardware or software)
July, 2006 Meeting
- Instant Messengers on Macs
June, 2006 Meeting
- New MacBook
April 1, 2006 Meeting
- Start of the Bytown Mac Users Group on Apple’s 30th anniversary.