My first Mac was a G5 PowerMac that I purchased at the very end of 2003 to work on a video and DVD project, originally as a Non Linear Editing System (NLE), but as I used the Mac more and more, I gradually moved away from my other computer systems to using my Macs for everything I do in my day job as owner of Darner media (web programming, graphics, video editing etc).
In February of 2005, I picked up one of the first Mac mini’s in Ottawa to replace my wife’s PC, and reviewed it for Monitor Magazine, which in a roundabout way enough led to me writing a regular column for the magazine.
Some of the software I use in my day to day work is Final Cut Pro X, bbEdit, Transmit, Calendar & Contacts, iTunes, 1Password, TextExpander and many more. I infrequently blog over at, occasionally post videos on YouTube, but am much more active on Twitter.
Since I “switched”, I have become a Mac evangelist, extolling the virtues of OS X, and teaching along the way.